Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We've been up since 5:00 ... The boys were too excited to sleep!

Monday, December 12, 2011

O Christmas Tree

This year, we decided to get a "living" Christmas tree that we can plant in our yard when we are done with it inside the house. Here are some pictures of the boys decorating it...
Ready to start!



The ornament from the picture above ...

We're done!  And we only broke six ornaments.

Friday, December 9, 2011

18.5 Weeks

We went to the doctor this morning and got to see the little bell pepper! The sonographer measured Baby W and estimated the weight at 9 oz --- a couple ounces bigger than we expected ...
Baby was very active!
Baby's Face
Baby laying on its side - rib cage to left and face on the right - arm above the face.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Living Room looking into Dining Room
Foyer looking into Living Room
Living Room
Living Room looking into Kitchen

Exciting Times

We moved into our new home a week ago today --- still have a lot of upacking and organizing to do, but we love the new place! 

And ... baby number three is on the way!  Due at the end of April.  Here are Baby W's first photos.  We go to the doctor on Friday for another sonogram, so I'll post those pictures when we get them.

The boys are so excited about #3.  We aren't going to find out the baby's sex, so we've had fun guessing what the baby will be.  Reese and Cole are both convinced that it will be another boy.  Reese told us that God only gives our family boys - ha!  I'm guessing boy right now as well --- Matt's the only one of us that thinks it's a girl.

Cole loves to kiss, rub and hug my belly.  He also talks to the baby all the time - it sounds like he's talking to a puppy - so cute!

Reese is always asking me how big the baby is, so we get on the computer and look it up.  We found a site that compares the size of the baby to a fruit or vegetable, and Reese thinks that is hilarious. 

This week, I'm 18 weeks along and the baby is the size of a bell pepper (about 5 1/2 inches long from head to bottom) and weighs about 7 oz.  Next week baby will be the size of a large heirloom tomato (about 6 inches from head to bottom) and will weigh around 8 1/2 oz.

Baby W at 6 weeks

Baby W at about 10-ish weeks

Monday, December 5, 2011

New Bedrooms

The boys are so excited to finally be in their new bedrooms and bathrooms!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Reese's Fall Program

Reese's Class - Performing an Indian Song

Reese is thankful for friends, family, school, clothes and pets.

Audrey and Reese

Truett and Reese

Cole's Fall Program

Cole is in the middle in the white shirt.

Reciting a poem in his classroom.

Cole's Class

Cole is thankful for ...

Friday, November 4, 2011